The University of New Hampshire Memorial Union Building has more than 26,000 square feet of meeting and event space, on four floors, available to accommodate groups from 2 to more than 600 people. Reservation options include conference rooms, configurable meeting rooms, a café style entertainment center, a games room, two large banquet rooms and two state of the art movie theaters. Comfortable public lounge space is available throughout the building as well as food court dining.
Room Scheduling
The UNH Event Services Portal makes it easy to browse for available space and to submit a request for a room reservation or an information table.
Prior to requesting space, click on individual rooms to review specific details and images. Cancellation policies are highlighted below. If you have additional questions, please email mub.scheduling@annccb.com.
Please contact mub.scheduling@annccb.com or call (603) 862-4079 to inquire about space and pricing for an event.
If you are interested in hosting a political event on campus, please contact Megan Brunelle and Tom Cronin via email to discuss options and campus protocol.
If you are interested in hosting a major event or conference on campus, please reach to UNH Conferences and Catering to explore options by emailing conferences@annccb.com or calling (603) 862-1900.
- Any cancellations need to be made by contacting the MUB Scheduling Office
- Cancellations in "Event and Specialty Rooms", defined as the Granite State Room, Strafford Room, Theaters, Wildcats Den and Entertainment Center must be made 21 days in advance of the event.
- Cancellations in all other rooms must be made 48 hours in advance of the event. (Cancel by noon on Friday for events taking place on Sunday or Monday.)
- Late cancellations will be treated as "No Show" events.
- Late cancellations or "No Shows" in major event rooms will be billed at the UNH Rate (Discount Standard Rate for rooms that would otherwise have no charge) Second violation "no show" events in the same semester will lose all MUB space use privileges for 16 academic weeks.
- Meeting Room Spaces: First offense "no shows" in meeting rooms will receive a warning. Second offense "no shows" within the same semester will lose all MUB space use privileges for 16 academic weeks.
- Please review policies pertaining to use of meeting and event space in the MUB.
Each spring in February, the annual priority scheduling process for meetings and events in the MUB opens for student organizations and campus departments for the next fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). Every year the MUB receives requests for several thousand meetings and events. To streamline the processing, all priority scheduling requests must be submitted through the UNH Event Services Portal. When completing your reservation request, please be sure to select Priority Scheduling Request from the drop down menu for Event Type. For consideration, requests must be submitted during the priority scheduling window and will be reviewed based on MUB priority scheduling policies. Please note that submitting a request for a meeting room or special event space does not guarantee approval. All reservation requests will be reviewed at the close of the priority scheduling window and confirmations will be emailed by mid April. If there are questions about your request or conflicts on the preferred date, MUB staff will reach out to you directly to explore other options.
FY26 Priority Scheduling Start: Saturday, February 1, 2025
FY26 Priority Scheduling Close: Friday, February 28, 2025